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How to check activation date for iPhone, iPad, iPod...

Instructions on how to check the activation date of iPhone, iPad and Apple products with 100% accuracy from the company. This method is very useful for those who buy genuine or portable used iPhones. We invite you to follow along.

Step 1: Visit Apple's official warranty information website HERE then click Sign in to My Support
Step 2: Log in to the Apple ID that is being logged in on the iPhone or iPad that needs to be checked (if the Apple ID has two-step authentication enabled, you need to enter the authentication code to continue).
Step 3: After logging in, a list of your devices will appear.
Step 4: Click on the device name to see the model, serial number, and activation date.
If the device is still under warranty, scroll down and you will see the words "Repairs and Service Coverage: Active"

Wish you success.

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