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Instructions for downloading iOS 11 Public Beta

After nearly a month of launching test versions for programmers (Developer Beta), Apple finally released the first Public Beta version of iOS 11 to the public. You can also install iOS 11 Public Beta, in just a few simple steps.
First you need to know this clearly: although Public Beta versions are often much more stable than Developer Beta, in general, while still in the Beta stage, the operating system will have a higher chance of errors or crashes. And if you want to use iOS 11 soon, of course you have to accept "living with the flood".
Nếu bạn sở hữu các thiết bị trong bảng sau, và không ngại ngần chuyện thi thoảng máy giật hay có lỗi thì có thể đọc tiếp để biết cách đăng ký cài đặt iOS 11 Public Beta.
Another small note, before you update to iOS 11 Public Beta, create a backup using iTunes, so that in case you are not satisfied with this version, you can easily restore your device.
The simplest and fastest way to update to iOS 11 Public Beta is to use your own iOS device from the beginning. The steps are sequential as follows:
1. From your iOS device, use Safari to access Apple's Public Beta program website at this address.
2. Tap on the ‘Sign Up’ button
3. Sign in to the Apple Beta Program with your Apple ID
4. Touch the Accept button on the user agreement page
5. Tap the iOS tab
6. Tap on the ‘enroll your iOS device’ link
7. Tap on the ‘Download profile’ button
(Here the profile download area in Settings will appear)
8. On the Install Profile page, tap the Install button in the upper right corner
9. Tap the Install button on the Consent page.
10. Tap the Install button at the bottom of the page
11. Tap the Restart button to restart your iOS device
Your device will reboot, with profile access to Apple's Public Beta program.
12. Once your device has finished rebooting, go to Settings -> General -> Software Update, tap the ‘Checking for Update’ button
13. Tap on the ‘Download and Install’ button
14. Tap the Agree button on the terms of use page
15. Once the download is complete, press the Install Now button to begin the installation process
With just the extremely simple and quick operations above, readers can experience Apple's latest operating system with many new features.
Please share with us your experience!

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