This article will show you how to use Clutch to crack iPA on 32-bit devices. If you want to try it on 64-bit devices, you can also try it.
Note: iPA cracked on a 32-bit device can work on a 64-bit device (iPA cracked from iPhone 5, 5c can work on 5s, 6...) but vice versa (also If you crack that app on iPhone 5s, it will not work when installed on iPhone 5, 5c...)
Step 1: Install the necessary packages.Go to Cydia, find and install: OpenSSH, MTerminnal.
Step 2: Download the Clutch file at the following link.
After downloading, rename it to clutch for ease of use later, copy the clutch file to the /usr/bin/ folder on your device.
Open Terminal, run the following command to decentralize the clutch file you just copied.
chmod 755 /usr/bin/clutch
Step 3: Crack iPA.
Log in to the root account on Terminal by typing the command:
su root
Now enter alipine (the default password after you jailbreak, when entering the password it will not display any characters, just type it correctly and press Enter).
Type the following command to list crackable apps:
clutch -i
At this point, clutch will list out the list of uncracked applications and games on your device in the form:
Le-Ti-iPod:~ root# clutch -i
Installed apps:
1: YouTube: Watch, Listen, Stream
2: NhacCuaTui - Find MP3 Music
Looking at the list above, we can see 1 is YouTube and 2 is NhacCuaTui.
To crack the YouTube app, use the command below.
clutch -d 1
Now on the screen will proceed to perform the cracking process.
Le-Ti-iPod:~ root# clutch -d 1
ASLR slide: 0x11000
Dumping (armv7)
Patched cryptid (32bit segment)
Writing new checksum
ASLR slide: 0x2f000
Dumping (armv7)
Patched cryptid (32bit segment)
Writing new checksum
Zipping NotificationServiceExtension.appex
DONE: /private/var/mobile/Documents/Dumped/
Finished dumping in 71.9 seconds
After cracking, the clutch will be exported into an iPA file, you can save it to share with friends (the cracked iPA file will be located at /private/var/mobile/Documents/Dumped/).
Wish you success