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View, change, or cancel service subscriptions on iOS

Learn how to view active, expired subscriptions, and cancel subscriptions on iOS.
Some apps and services offer subscription-based access to their content. Unlike single purchases (such as for game currencies like gems and coins), subscriptions automatically renew until you choose to end them.
Auto-renewing subscription includes:

Apple Music
Apple news, newspapers, magazines...
In-app subscriptions to content or services (HBO, Spotify, Pandora, Hulu, etc.)
Manage your subscriptions

Follow the steps to view, change, or cancel your subscriptions from your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch.
1. Go to Settings > [your name] > iTunes & App Store.
2. Click Apple ID at the top of the screen, then click View Apple ID. You may need to sign in with your Apple ID.
3. Scroll to the Subscriptions section, then click on it.
4. Select the subscription you want to manage. If you're being charged for a subscription but you don't see it in your list of subscriptions, it may be billed through someone other than Apple.
5. Use options to manage your subscriptions. You can choose to offer another subscription, or click Cancel Subscription to cancel your subscription. If you cancel, your subscription will stop at the end of the current billing cycle.
Wishing you success.

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